Saturday, April 13, 2019

Finnish Bread Cheese

2 gallons whole milk, don't get the ultra pasteurized stuff.  It's dead and won't curdle.
1/4 tsp liquid rennet
2 Tbsp sugar.  I will probably use 1 next time.
lots of salt.  I started with 2 tablespoons but once the milk curdled and I tasted it I added like 1/2 cup more.

Mix all ingredients in kettle that can hold 2 gallons of milk.  Bring mixture to 90 degrees SLOWLY.  It will start to curdle once it begins to warm...curds need to have a slightly stretchy consistency (think less yogurt, more fresh mozzarella).  Curds and whey need to be distinctly separated; whey should look clear and greenish.  When milk has reached 90 degrees and curds are the correct consistency, pour into cheesecloth or fine mesh nut milk bag and squeeze the hell out of it until most of the liquid is removed. 

Roll it out to about 1 inch thick and stick on a sheet pan (with a lip to catch juices) under a broiler until it starts to caramelize. Flip and repeat. Don't burn it like I did!

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